Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Summer!

Its finally summer. The birds are chirping, the sun is out, the sunburns begin to redden our skin and we bask in the sun just loving the outdoors. Ha! Who are we kidding? We're figure skaters after all, we live in the freezing cold rink all summer! Well on the bright side though, the benefit to it being summer is that school is out! Whether it's college, high school, or even maybe middle school for some of you, you get a nice big break from tedious school work and plenty of free time to spend doing run throughs! Yay! But really, I couldn't be happier that summer is finally here.

This is a special year for me since not only is high school out for the year, it's out...forever! As of June 20, I will officially be a graduate of the class of 2013 and boy am I relieved. Yet it's definitely bittersweet. There were only about 300 people in my class and we were all very close knit. It's going to be sad not being surrounded by these people next year, but that's not to say that college will be just as great, if not better!

Am I going to be skating in college? My answer is a definite yes! Skating is not something I'm ready to leave behind just yet. I've devoted 12 years of my life to the sport and its not something I'm going to let go of easily. In fact, I almost deferred college for a year for an opportunity to skate with Disney on Ice! I decided however to put college first and after I obtain my degree I can tour for a few years. I'll only be 21 when I graduate after all, and I want to see the world before I settle back into my small hometown.

I also plan to skate during college, at both universities I will be attending since I will be transferring after my freshman year. My top choice college gave me a "transfer guarantee" stating that I could join them in fall 2014 the only catch being that I have to pass my freshman year with a 3.0 both semesters at another university. My first year I will probably be skating on a synchro team and maybe even doing a few freestyle competitions. My sophomore through senior years I will be skating on a top notch intercollegiate freestyle team and I am nearly trembling with excitement.

The whole world seems to be at my fingertips and I am thrilled to be off to such a great start. My life awaits me. I will keep all of my lovely readers updated with college information and my ongoings in university life including my skating schedule and regimen since I am slightly nervous about being able to maintain a high level of training. Anyways, feel free to contact me with any questions you have or advice you might have!

Best of Luck!!

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