Thursday, June 20, 2013

10 Things That Should be in Your Bag

Here's a list of 10 things you should carry with you in your skate bag (other than your skates!). These items are essential to every skater, regardless of whether its your first week at the rink or your whether you've been doing it for years.

1. A "first aid kit". Now this doesn't have to be a hardcore plastic box with a hundred different first aid tools all crammed inside. Your rink should provide a standard first aid kit if anything serious happens, however every skater should have their own supply of bandaids, Advil/Tylenol/Ibuprofen, and maybe even blister relief pads with children's scissors. My "First aid kit"is just a plastic bag with a few of my most commonly needed items inside. I keep it in the front pocket of my skate bag where it is easily obtained but not in the way.

2. An extra pair of gloves. Every skater knows, falling is part of the sport. Sometimes your gloves just get too wet and rather than take them off it's nice to have the luxury of being able to put on dry ones in between sessions.

3. Hairbands. If you are a girl, keeping extra hairbands stored away is a must. I keep a bag of about four or five at all times. If one breaks, I always have a backup. If I'm coming from school and happen to forget, I always have a backup. This way you'll never be caught scrounging around the floor for something to keep those flowing locks out of of your eyes.

4. A phillips head screwdriver. Loose blades are incredibly common and it's much more convenient to be able to pull out your own screwdriver and give them a quick tighten.

5. Extra laces. If your rink doesn't have an open skate shop this one is definitely a must have. It isn't too common for laces to snap but if they do, you won't have to waste time sending your mom out to look for a new pair.

6. Tissues. Lots of Tissues. Toilet paper does the job but tissues are so much better. I keep the small plastic wrapped packages of tissues on hand at all times.

7. Nail clippers. I'm not suggesting that you make a point of clipping your fingernails or toenails at the rink but if you need them, you'll have them. Sometimes our feet just want to hurt and clipping down a toenail or cutting off a hangnail might relieve some pressure,

8. A small hairbrush. If you go from school to the rink frequently it's nice to have a hairbrush on hand for pulling back your ponytail.

9. An Extra Copy of Your Music. If you forget your CD at home for some reason its good to have a backup in another spot in your bag. This will prevent your coach from having a melt down during your lesson.

10. "Emergency" money. Whether you need something from the vending machine, forget to grab money for buy-on ice time, or need to buy a water bottle it is definitely important to have spare money on hand.

Best of Luck!!

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