Monday, August 19, 2013


First off, I would like to apologize for the lack of both blog posts and tweets lately. As many of you might know, I am 17 and I graduated from high school back in June of this year. I am less than two weeks from moving into college and beginning a new chapter in the rest of my life. It's been a really busy month for me. Between cramming in family vacations, visiting with friends, graduation parties, trips to the city and packing for college I've been slammed. It's not that I'm trying to make excuses...well I guess I am...but I just wanted to let you know why the posting has been so sporadic lately.

Also, because I am going to be adjusting to a new life in college I am going to cut back the number of posts per week to just 2. One will be on Tuesday and the other will go up on Saturday. Thanks for continuing to read, I love all of you so much. When I started this blog, I was happy to have just one person reading it so I can't believe that all of you enjoy reading my thoughts so much!

Best of Luck and much love!!

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